Love Your Partner, or Your Career?

"Some women choose to follow men and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore." - Lady Gaga

I put her quote in my entry today not saying I’m her fan. Oh no.. I am not! I prefer to listen to Ajek Hassan than Lady Gaga.. hehe.. so then, why I put her quote in my blog today? Am actually try to relate her quote with what I’m trying to write today. Which is Whether to chase your dream or get married? So how to choose? Its depends whether we choose our career, or we try to choose both? Its all in our hand. We don’t have to follow what Lady Gaga said. Coz she not living in our life.

Looking at my bestfrens, one is now having 5 kids, one with 3 daughter, people might say that I took my own sweet time to end my single status coz am aiming for my career and dreams first. No its not! Even I haven’t fulfill some of my dreams but still when the time (jodoh) arrived, I just have to enter the marriage life (of coz with the help of everyone’s doa and our istikharah). Allah knows what is best for us. You may think that you are not ready enough but actually you are. Allah knows that you will. We don’t!

And that’s it. Today, I am  4 month of being someone Mrs, our  Solemnization was on 25 November last year).  And in a same time, I got my own career. I got my own dream as well. I know I could be fine on my own two feet, but in a same time I still want love as well. I want someone to take care of me, and I also have a career to be taken care of (jobs have to be completed on time, the helpdesk tickets to be settled asap, making sure any activities go well as plan), and back at home, am someone’s wife.

Some people said that men shouldn’t marry “career women” because marriage to a “career woman” makes the husband more likely to get divorced, less likely to have children, unhappy if his wife makes more than he does, more likely to “fall ill,” and consigned to live in a “dirtier” home. I know it’s pretty hard for newly-wed couple, to divide time for career and marriage, to get used to a new life, especially those who staying by themselves. No parent or maid to help us taking care of the house, cook for us, clean for us. But insyaAllah. We can if we think we will manage to handle everything. Am sure, our beloved hubby will help us. insyaAllah they will.

So the point are, it doesn’t matter what life we want to be. Either Single or married. Just be ready with everything that happen to us NOW. STOP regretting all those PAST things + STOP worry about FUTURE. Follow your heart, plus your religion guide as well. And don’t forget to make a Doa asking for His help.
I remembered what Prof Dr Muhaya said in her talk -"Keseimbangan Dalam Kehidupan"

"Lelaki yang kaya itu adalah lelaki yang selalu bersyukur, lidahnya sering berzikir dan mempunyai isteri yang solehah. "

Frankly speak, after end of our Solemnization (nikah) ceremony, deep down inside my heart, I want to be solehah wifeeven maybe I have yet to reach that level but i will always try to be insyaAllah. Hope Allah will give His Mercy and Bless to both of us, to be happy until Jannah.. amin

And i wish every wife out there will also has aim to be a solehah wife. All the best for us :-) 

Always show our love to our husband plus.. our family, relatives and friends
We Only Got 86,400 Seconds In A Day so we got to tell them that we love them (while we got the chance to say)

p/s Am now with my Love at one of our honeymoon place, alhamdulillah. pray for us will reach Malaysia safely.
