Recipe : Asam Pedas 6 February

I made this meal (Asam Pedas) for my BFF and her family as a dinner at my place, special request by her. I named it as 'Asam Pedas 6 February' as they came on last Friday (6 February) hehe

The recipe is actually in Malay... as she asked for the recipe.. if got time, I will translate it to an English inshaAllah

Ikan Parang - 3 hiris
Ikan Kembung - 3 ekor
Asam Jawa - 1 genggam
Daun kesom 50 sen
Lada Kering - 3/4 blender Panasonic saiz biasa or Lada giling 1/2 blender
Air secukupnya
Garam secukupnya
Gula secubit (untuk ganti MSG)
Bawang merah - 8 biji size sedarhana (lagi banyak lagi bagus)
Belacan - secubit (optional)
sayur bendi - 3/4 batang (optional)

1. Blender bawang + Lada kering/lada giling + air + belacan (optional)
2. tumis bahan 1 sehingga masak, api kecik (biasanya sangat lama)
3. masukkan air asam jawa (sukatan nak pekat lagi.. tambah)
4. masak sampai tanak
5. masukkan ikan, daun kesom, bendi (optional)
6. masak sehingga mendidih (2,3 kali)

Done, served with my favorite Tupperware collection

Here I share the pic..


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